Thank you to everyone who bought tickets and came along to our school quiz night at Itchen Abbas Village Hall. A massive thank you has to go to Quentin for working so hard as this year’s quizmaster. He really was excellent. Our Head, Mr Bogan, also got involved for the ‘Demon Headmaster Round’… tricky stuff! Plus a musical round curtesy of professional musician Jeremy Chiari. He played us a number of delightful pieces from the contemporary songbook… but wickedly arranged to keep us guessing. Thanks to all three gentlemen for making it a unique and memorable quiz night.
After a tense tie breaker round, the trophy was won by the ‘Querky Quiz Queens’.

We are particularly grateful to Nony and Sam Kerr-Smiley (Nony Kerr-Smiley Freelance Estate Agent) who sponsored the event and made a generous donation to our cause. Along with all the ticket and bar sales it helped to raise a hearty profit that has been donated towards new outdoor equipment at the Primary School.
We would also like to thank The Plough for help providing food, along with The Flower Pots Brewery and Heineken for contributing to our bar.
Thank you all and hope to see you for next year’s quiz!!